
We offer tailored solutions for employers, focusing on the right health insurance plans chosen to fit your unique needs, ensuring coverage is comprehensive and cost-effective.

Compliance and Support

Advisory & Analysis Services

• Expertise in internal benefits strategy

• Development and strategic oversight of plans

• Analysis of claims and usage

• Risk assessment and actuarial support

• Projections of financial outcomes

• Alternative funding options

• Marketing strategies, contribution analysis, and planning

Regulatory Compliance Support

• Audits for compliance and tailored evaluations

• Guidance on CAA, ACA, HIPAA, ERISA

• Distribution of yearly notice requirements

• Preparation for SPD and Form 5500

• Wrap documentation and associated materials

Health and Education Initiatives

• Tools, assessments, and initiatives for wellness

• Personalized communications for employee benefits

• Strategies for digital and multimedia

• Consultation in HR practices

Benefits Administration

• Benefits administration platform integration assistance

• HR assistance with employee needs (claims resolution, special enrollment periods, etc.)

• Payroll withholding guidance and management

• Special programs handling (SCA, San Francisco HCSO, local wage and health ordinances, etc.)

Employee communication initiatives (employee handbooks, special announcements, webinars)

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